i'm here on a school trip, but i haven't seen the teacher all day. me jo and frances are having lots of fun.
we just got back to the place we're staying after getting lost in the city haha. spent the day shopping, i really love all the vintage stores around. i didn't bring much money though, and now i'm flat broke. but i picked up a couple cute things :)
the place we're staying is pretty funny- it's a huge building painted like a zebra, but it's nice inside, we have our own little kitchen and bathroom. i'm just on here while we wait for our food to cook. soo hungry, and i'm almost out of money for food so we did some supermarket shopping.
last night we went to WOW. it was a m a z i n g . . .
it was almost like a freak show though hahaha, there were a lot of wacky outfits and make up etc. we couldn't take photos so i have nothing to show, but i'm so glad i went. probably won't go next year though, i wouldn't say the $115 ticket(and those were the cheap seats..) is gonna be worth it. i have lots to save for(i'll update on that soon!)
we've taken a few photos on frances's camera, so i''ll get them off her when she gets back to tga in a couple weeks and post them :)
last night here tonight- i wish we were staying for longer, frances is but the rest of us head back in the morning. gonna be a long drive.
gotta go, foodtime!
Have a Lovely Weekend.
1 day ago
obat maag kronis
obat penyakit gondok
cara mengobati kram usus
obat herbal penurun kolesterol tinggi
obat penyakit hipertiroid
cara menghilangkan batu ginjal
cara sembuhkan penyakit hidrokel
obat pembengkakan jantung
obat tbc paru tradisional
obat koleseterol tinggi
obat gondongan tradisional
I had a powerful tips to overcome in order not to relapse of ulcer disease when fasting visit
tips mengatasi penyakit maag supaya tidak kambuh
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