Tuesday, January 20, 2009

good news.

this seems to be the week for it!

yesterday i went job hunting. and i already have three interviews :) 
two are tomorrow. eeeeeeeek. i hate interviews. i hope they go okay... and that i get one of the jobs. i think i will, i have a really good feeling about this :) and i love that within half an hour of dropping my CV in i already had two calls to set up interviews. 
also, on monday i found out i'm getting a car. finally. next week i will have my own set of wheels! 
and i received my exam result from last year and passed NCEA2 with merit :)
and my boys band got added to Select Live this week too. it's a TV show where you vote to have their music video played. (S135 to 4440 if you're from NZ and want to be a darling and help a friend out) 
good news all round!

and now, i'm going to the beach :)

by elias tahan.

1 comment:

herecomesthesun said...

Yay hun that's awesome news!!!